Safe Harbor City Boatyard
September 18, 2020

The whole job turned out well. It is so rewarding to see the dry stack filling up, and to finally lift a vessel with our new lift. Thanks for the excellent work and timely responses to our many requests. The Salmons Team is a JOY to work with, and sure built us a beautiful facility!
Forklift Pier
As part of the recent upgrades to The City Boatyard facility on the Wando River, Salmons Dredging Corporation constructed a new 20’ x 203’ concrete access pier with a 40’ x 55’ concrete pierhead. The new forklift pier consisted of 16” pre-stressed concrete piles, cast-in-place pile caps, pre-stressed deck slabs with a concrete deck overlay, concrete curbs and two galvanized steel forklift wheel stops. Additionally, a new 4’ x 35’ aluminum gangway was added to the pier for access to the floating docks in the Marina. This new forklift pier will serve as the launching pier for the upland drystack units.
Travel Lift Pier
Salmons Dredging Corporation recently completed upgrades to The City Boatyard Travel Lift Piers on the Wando River. One new 3’ x 293’ travel lift pier was added as well as a 65’ extension of an existing travel lift pier. The added structures included 12” pre-stressed concrete piles, cast-in-place pile caps, cored slabs with closure pours, galvanized steel wheel curbing & wheel stops, aluminum walkways decked with IPE and a new 4’ x 37.5’ aluminum walkway. The addition of these travel lift piers will allow Safe Harbor Marinas to expand their haul out capacity to 80 metric tons and up to 25’ of beam.